Graphics | Interactive | Art

There is appreciation for beauty and art in all things.
I am Melissa, a freelance designer that specializes in Companies of all sizes helping them represent their ideas in style with professionalism and business seriousness. In addition, I also have experience helping on creative and fun projects like music Bands and Events to portrait their image and succeed with their purpose.
Businesses and Companies
* Company Image Brand Development from ground zero
* Business Tool designs (Business Cards, Invoices, Triptychs, Banners)
* Booth Stand design (Promotional Material (mugs, keychains, thermos, lights and more.), Banner Displays, Product Video, Catalogs)
* Company Website Development (Static, Web Store, Forum and Schedules, Corp Email setup, Videos and Galleries)
* Professional Resume in a Website
* Restaurant Menus
Music Bands and Creative Events
* Music Brand Image (Photoshoot)
* CD Covers and Posters
* Event Flyers and Invitations
* Event Video and Photograph
* Company Website Development (Static, Web Store, Forum and Schedules, Corp Email setup, Videos and Galleries)
* Event Photobooth by Theme​​

My Portfolio

Handcrafted Soap store in Puebla, Mexico that portraits with elegant style their brand in a very fresh and natural way.

Completely design of Corporate Brand
this company has reach a complete success on its area of Machinery and Service for Foundries and Manufactory companies in the US and Europe. This website has it's own personalized Domaine connected to Office365 with personalized Emails and Microsoft Office tools. Find a Catalog Sample HERE

Professional Resume Website
Static Website in English
As a Professional is important to have a solid customized page that can provide a space to talks about the professional experience in detail and describing the individual goals and dreams. This will provide a trusting relationship from the start with my clients and employers.

A full store that sells a variety of mystic products like Clothing, Jewelry, Art and Alternative esoteric items. This store contains the items sort by category with an original Cart and different product views. Also contains a Forum and a User logging area. With different forms of payment

Single Designs I have done across time for Artists, Businesses, Restaurants and Events